Weston Marketing Group : 14 Year Anniversary new brand reveal!

Weston Marketing Group : 14 Year Anniversary new brand reveal!

With a 14 years of marketing, design and digital communication in their pocket , it is very fitting for a new jacket for this Western Cape Marketing Agency.

Why the galaxy metaphor in the new brand? 

For us the galaxy represents the current state of marketing and specifically digital marketing.  There is an infinite amount of possibilities and it is a daunting task to navigate a brand and stay on course.  This is where we come into offer not only creativity, but clarity!” says group Marketing Head, Elna Wessels.

BrandBlocks Marketing opened its doors for the first time in 2009 with Elna Wessels and Kirsten van Tonder behind the steering wheel of the small design agency.  In 2019 BrandBlocks Marketing rebranded to what is known today as Weston Studio, which has become the creative hub of the bigger company, WESTON MARKETING GROUP.

The new look and name is fitting for an experienced and specialist marketing agency.  Ready to service clients in SA but also abroad.

“BrandBlocks Marketing and further along, Weston Studio, was born out of a passion for creative marketing, brand building and people.  The same ethos will carry us forward into the next era.   BrandBlocks was a university of marketing, business and … life! We believe in faith, hope and love and these will remain the corner stones of the brand.”

Weston Marketing Group is a fully integrated marketing agency based in 3 offices; Paarl, Helderberg and then the new partner office in Wisconsin, USA.

The focus is to offer a fully outsourced marketing management, design and campaign execution solution to clients.

We thank our past, current and future clients for their loyal support on this journey.

Reading is not only informed by what’s going on with us at that moment, but also governed by how our eyes and brains work to process information. What you see and what you’re experiencing as you read these words is quite different.

Jason Santa Maria

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